Welcome to MicroServer website






MicroServer, Individual company, was founded in late June and opened to public on July 27, 1996.

Located in Newark NJ, providing assistance to individuals and companies, through time MicroServer developed several projects to better serve the community.

MicroServer originally born name was MicroLand, and established its place on Wilson Avenue, renting the second floor of the commercial building number 128. At the time, with a single effective clerk, and due to an intensive demand of our services, MicroLand was gratifyingly compelled to restructure all the training and assistance mechanism.

Therefore, at the end of 1997, due to professional reasons and related to Internet expansion (Web Design & Web Hosting), MicroLand changed the individual name to MicroServer. Was at that time that MicroServer acquired and established their own servers, launched their first Web Site, registered their domain and prepared a succession of ingredients to launched client companies on the net, successfully. Individually working with each company, MicroServer designs web sites according to client's taste, providing also maintenance and host on their servers, 24 hours a day, everyday of the year.

After almost three years, MicroServer rely on three effective clerks, and on one part-time clerk. An addition/upgrade of modern and sophisticated equipment was placed, to better serve a variety of students that attend the diversity of our training courses, at different schedules; to better serve on computer sales, repairs and/or upgrades; and now to better serve companies on network installations and/or network administration.

MicroServer have in mind that computers really rule the world, and they're not the future anymore - they're the present. That's why we dedicate 13 hours a day to serve you. And because 13 hours a day are not enough, we challenge ourselves on World Wide Web, for us to expand even more each day… towards you.


MicroServer - Your computer company...
Elisabete Branco Sales Associate

If you need any help or more information, please don't hesitate to contact me





MicroServer   973-465-0909   Newark, NJ
Designed and Hosted by MicroServer